The new products La Nordica Extraflame 04/11/2024 17:11:29 Univectra d.o.o. AmbiComfort

The new products La Nordica Extraflame

Wood stoves La Nordica and pellet stoves Extraflame

The new products La Nordica Extraflame

The 2018-19 heating season is just around the corner. We visited the renovated La Nordica Extraflame showroom to give you the best advice on choosing a wood-burning stove or pellet stove.

This year, we went to the world-renowned pellet and wood stove manufacturer La Nordica Extraflame to see and examine the new models directly, not only from the point of view of appearance and design, but also from a technical point of view.

We swear by the quality and technicality of La Nordica Extraflame products, especially after visiting and touring the La Nordica Extraflame showroom.

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