Redesigned online shop 04/11/2024 17:11:29 Univectra d.o.o. AmbiComfort

Redesigned online shop

New platform and more content

Redesigned online shop

The new and improved online shop makes buying much easier, provides practical and useful information, practical help and advice to the customer.

In the redesigned online shop, we have put a strong emphasis on improving the online shopping experience with enriched information, advice, practical examples and support through the portal.

For stoves, boilers and other appliances, we have simplified the selection of complementary products and possible installation, which can now be added to the basket with a single click.

Another new feature is the spare parts shop, which allows you to buy spare parts for a specific appliance by simply knowing the model name or model code. Under the desired device, a list of relevant spare parts is displayed, which can be added in large numbers with a single click.

A new support section offers help with purchasing, technical advice and troubleshooting and complaints via the portal. The interface ensures two-way communication between the user and the support team.

AmbiComfort works with renowned manufacturers and global brands, which are showcased in the brand section. For more information, innovations and practical installation examples, please visit the renewed blog section.

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